What do Leaderboards Cultivate?
Leaderboards offer competition & community, but impossibly high scores can also deter players. How can we cultivate both groups: those who are inspired by them and those that aren’t? This talk covers our journey from design to the heartfelt impact of leaderboards on our players.
Learn more about Tana
Tana is a Pōneke/Wellington-based senior technical designer currently at Dinosaur Polo Club, where he’s worked on both Mini Motorways, Mini Metro, and more. Alongside that, Tana also designed and developed the award-nominated puzzle game S.H.A.P.E, about getting shapes from A to B using a range of physics-based tools. Tana started with game modding and level design, before getting into programming, studying software engineering, participating in game jams, then finally working in games. He’s also an avid swing dancer and longboard dancer.
Twitter: @tanatanoi