Your Game Quality Doesn’t Matter (As Much As You Think It Does)
If your goal is to make money from your game (not just develop as a hobby), you need to understand what the Market thinks about your game. Find out how to think about your game’s product/market fit, and give yourself a better chance at commercial success.
Learn more about Celia
Celia’s pathway into the gaming industry has been a bit different than most. She begun her career as a digital strategist helping all sorts of organisations better understand their customers, and designing solutions & processes to serve them. During this time she has somehow leapfrogged her way into the gaming industry, where she now resides as a Market Researcher at PikPok, helping teams better understand the markets they’re competing in, the customers they’re serving, and where the greatest opportunities lie. Celia gets excited about helping teams think more commercially and strategically about game development, and marrying data & passion to create even better games.